Thursday, February 15, 2007

How Did My Life Get So Off Track?

Did I got too far?
I can never turn back.

Two moments in my life
That got off track.

Will I always regret
the loss of civility?

With two people that I loved
that hurt me deeply.

I lashed out in anger
tired of being hurt.

To prove myself
to state my self-worth.

What am I trying to prove?

I made my statement
loud and clear.

They had both discarded me
No longer held me dear.

Did I reach my unstated goal?

Did I pull even?

Did I change my role?

Did I achieve the direction
I was trying to gain?

If so, why do I still
feel so much confusion and pain.

I made my statement
now what do I do?

Retreat to my safe place
and lick my wounds?

I wonder...

Will I ever get past this?
Will I ever heal?

These two episodes in my life
ever fresh and surreal.

Am I standing up to another father
so he won't do the same thing to his little daughter?

Their rejection was my story,
my life's underlying theme.

Do I just want someone held accountable
to give rise to my self-esteem?

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