Tuesday, March 28, 2006

If My Life were an American Express Commercial ...

My Name ..... Sabrina

Childhood Ambition ..... elementary school teacher.

Fondest Memory ..... Hiking on the back country trails in the Smokies with Chris Iddins and Alan Helfer. Seeing the glow of lights of Fontana Dam in the skies over the mountains.

Indulgence ..... Reality TV shows (o.k. Survivor, Apprentice, Project Runway, Amazing Race and yes, the Bachelor).

Last Purchase ..... T-Ball Bat and Batting Helmet.

Favorite Movie (only one) ..... Pride and Prejudice, Serendipity, When Harry Met Sally, Out of Africa, The English Patient.

Soundtrack .....Serendipity and Pride and Prejudice.

Retreat ..... Cades Cove in the Smokies and Long Island, Maine.

Wildest Dream ..... writing/publishing a novel and traveling through Europe - riding a gondola through the canals of Venice, walking down the steps of Montmarte, pub crawling in Dublin, getting lost in the Museum of London for an entire day.

Proudest Moment ..... becoming KK's mom.

Biggest Challenge ..... putting TK and his Vulcan Mind Melds behind me.

Alarm Clock ..... Heidi Hopkins, a long, albeit short alarm clock who wakes me up when the day breaks.

Perfect Day ...... Beachside - sunny day, searching for shells, playing in the sand and waves with KK. Twilight - catching fireflies, seeking out Orion in the winter sky.

First Job ..... waiting tables at Godfather's Pizza (first and last food service job).

Inspiration ..... the brown-eyed girl who lives in my house. In the spring when the dogwoods bloom.

My life ..... is about starting over and seeing what's around the next corner.

My card ..... Tar'get ( no seriously - I am credit card free - sorry AmEx)!

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