Saturday, September 02, 2006

Nightmare in Shining Armor

He left a message on my cell phone.
His tone acidic.
More threatening, ugly words.
Venom spewing.
Spoken solely to cause intentional hurt.
Attack her weakness, he thought.
Try to scare her and inflict more pain.
He would always say to me...
"The Opposite of Love is Hate."
He meant all these words as a threat.
It was all he ever did.
Threat, threat, threat.
Bully, bully, bully.
Brag, brag, brag.
He told me he was getting married.
To a woman with 4 kids.
She would be our daughter's mother he said.
They would be her brother and sisters.
Our daughter would be flower girl at their wedding.
I was not invited.
As if I would want to witness another unsuspecting woman walk onto his battlefield.
I feel euphoric. Please make it to the altar.
What's "The Opposite of Indifference?"
The target will slowly be moved from my forehead.
Onto hers.
A heavy burden is lifting.
The fog is slowly fading away.
I'm finally awakening.
He will become someone else's worst nightmare.
A nightmare in shining armor.

He was never patient. Never kind.
He was envious. He would always boast.
He was proud. He was rude.
He was self-seeking. Always angry.
He kept records of my wrongs.
He is evil. He speaks no truth.
He never protected me from himself.
He never trusted me. I lost my hope.
He did not persevere.
Love can fail.

When I left him I gained back the three that will forever remain: faith, hope and love.

Because the greatest of these is love.

He will never take that away from me. No one will. Ever. Again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be strong, girl.